
Overcoming Body Insecurity

As social beings, we crave the approval of people within our social circle. Moreso in a time where for instance, the number of likes on a social media picture could make some worry about their physical flaws or appearance. Many of us deal with insecurities about our looks. Some of these insecurities started when we were children or teenagers. Sometimes we only realize them when society points out that we, or a part of our body, does not fit into the societal norm of what is considered beautiful. This was my case, and I write this to encourage someone who might think they are not good looking.

In high school, I wasn’t your typical sassy and hyperactive teenager. I was the type of girl that was very quiet in class and didn’t like having issues with anyone. However, I had classmates who were the exact opposite of me and extremely notorious. Both teachers and other students knew this set of people to be mischievous. One day, precisely in my final year, we finished classes earlier than usual. The next lesson would be the next day, so we had the remaining school hours to ourselves. I was in my seat when I noticed one of the notorious boys was in front of the class. He was drawing an image on the board that caught everyone’s attention. Out of curiosity, people asked him what he was drawing, and he pointed at me. At this moment, I realized that the shape he drew on the board was a caricature of my legs. Others in the class laughed about it, and I felt like disappearing from the classroom. This was the beginning of body insecurity for me as a young girl. I became conscious of my appearance, particularly my legs.

We don’t need someone else to admire or desire what we have before we realize it is good; God already said in His word that everything He made is good.

My grandmother at that time had just sent a gift box of clothes to me, which included some skirts that were ankle-length long. It felt like the perfect timing because I started to prefer wearing long dresses. When I wore them, I felt relaxed as they covered my legs, and I wouldn’t have to worry about people seeing my legs. Insecurities don’t just go away until you deal with them, so my body insecurity was with me until I got into the university. While in university, if I wore knee-length dresses, I wouldn’t walk in front of people, so they do not take notice of my legs. I would cringe on the inside if I noticed someone walking behind me.

I was in a church service one day where it occurred to me that I could ask God for help concerning this issue. That day, I said, “God, I don’t want to feel bad about my body”. So, after the service, I discussed my body insecurity challenge with a sister in the church; she was a bit older and more mature spiritually. She took me to ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:31,‭KJV‬‬  “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” (emphasis added)

This was a familiar passage of the Bible, but my eyes became opened to the truth of its text that day. It occurred to me that I had allowed one person’s definition of me to cloud my mind and overshadow what God had said about me. I realized that I let one moment in high school define and dictate how I perceived myself and my appearance.

Suppose you are dealing with any form of insecurity about your legs, how you talk, your arms, your nose, your body shape, size or even your eyes. Understand that God, the creator of it all, has made you perfect already. Unfortunately, society and the media create an image of perfection with pictures of models. We unconsciously embrace them as the standard of beauty. I have found out that most of our insecurities come from what people say or how someone reacts to our appearance. We hardly ever develop insecurities on our own. It’s mostly from what someone has said or what we consume. That is why we need to guard our hearts with the word of God. God’s word in our hearts insulates us from societal and external pressure or fiery darts of the devil.

Going on, I was told to study scriptures to help me more, which I did. I began to see myself the way God sees me, not how anybody thought or felt about me. The object of my focus became the word of God and not the word of men. The word of God became the mirror of my life. I had overcome and had been set free from the cave of body insecurity! This was a new phase of my life; wearing beautiful outfits (still modest) and not bothering what anyone has to say even if my outfit revealed my “full” legs (Yes! That’s what I like to call them, full legs!). 

Praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14, NIV

But, the story did not end there. I was in class on a particular day (this time in university). We were having a random girls chat when one of the girls mentioned that she wished she had “full” legs like mine. I was genuinely surprised. Here I was complaining about what I had while someone else would give up theirs for what God blessed me with. It was as if scales fell off my eyes; I realized I had not been thankful to God for my “full” legs. So, I repented and became thankful. I do not say this to mean that my legs are better than hers; I say this to point out how selfish and ungrateful our flesh could be. We don’t need someone else to admire or desire what we have before we realize it is good; God already said in His word that everything He made is good. Therefore, in addition to accepting that how God made you is good and beautiful, be grateful for your appearance.

You are a perfect image of a perfect God. God didn’t make any mistake creating you the way you are. -Overcoming Body Insecurity #prunedlife Share on X

I want to encourage you if you are struggling with any form of body dysmorphia. Let the word of God be your mirror, and don’t forget to take it to God in your prayers. If you need help, please seek help from your spiritual leaders or mental health physician. God can reach you through various channels.

You are a perfect image of a perfect God. God didn’t make any mistake creating you the way you are. Regardless of what men say or what men think, your life radiates the glory of God. If God says it is good, that settles it.

I share more details about my story on my YouTube channel; please watch here.

Photo credit: ©istockphoto/fizkes

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