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Keep Showing Up

As you read this, you might be in a happy, dark, uncertain, joyous, sad or depressed place. In one household, there could be loud, joyous laughter because of a new baby; in another, there could be the audible and silent mourning of a loved one.  Ecclesiastes 3:4 lets us know there’s a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. In essence, life is not a linear progression. It’s a journey full of surprises, a spiral, cyclical or wavy form, but certainly not linear, always leading us to new experiences, pain and growth. These challenges are not unique to you but are part of the human experience.

As children of God, we are not exempt from life’s imperfections, but we can boast of a relationship with the God who has the world in His hands. For many of us, our relationship with God is enviable in the good times. But how is it in the bad, bland, and dark times? Do you still show up to your place of prayer, praise and study in the bad times?

If you do not grapple with your relationship with God when you are filled with doubts, uncertainties, and frustration by the unmeaningful curveballs life throws, congratulations! It is a testament to your faith and strength. However, if you struggle in your relationship with God because of the painful path you have to walk through life daily, your experience is not unique to you but a part of your faith walk.

In John 16:33, Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus was concluding a long talk with the disciples, explaining what they would go through. He let them know that they can only experience peace in Him amid tribulation. That statement means the solution to turmoil and dark times is more of Jesus.

The answer to struggling in your relationship with God in bad times is to continue nurturing your relationship with God. It means you have to keep showing up! By showing up in good and bad times, you affirm your trust in God and that you have nowhere else to go. You’d never learn much about God and yourself if you do not show up in your relationship with Him during the bad times. You do not allow yourself to grow spiritually if your relationship with God is only prioritised in the good times.

I have a profound respect for people who always show up to their commitments, regardless of what is going on in their personal lives or environments. Being consistent and faithful to your obligations reflects your convictions and where your loyalty lies. It is like parenthood. A good parent knows there are no days off. You always have to show up for the kids God has kept in your care, whether you feel like it or not. This is especially true when they are young and dependent on you. Like kids to their parents, we should be totally dependent on God. Consistency in your relationship with God proves He is your only source of life.

Every relationship is nurtured by consistent presence. The parties involved must show up consistently for the relationship to thrive. In our relationship with God, He never fails us. He shows up consistently and faithfully, even when we decline His invitation. His love remains steadfast in our unfaithfulness, never withdrawing His care. Our humanity may lead us to justify turning our backs on God, but His love is transformative, always calling us back to Him.

God never changes; we are the ones who change. It reminds me of the excerpt of a  hymn my mother loved so much – God On the Mountain

“Life is easy, when you’re up on the mountain
And you’ve got peace of mind, like you’ve never known
But things change when you’re down in the valley
Don’t lose faith, for you’re never alone

For the God on the mountain, is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, He’ll make them right
And the God of the good times, is still God in the bad times
The God of the day is still God in the night”

God on the mountain is still God in the valley. The God of the good times is still God in the bad times. The God of the day is still God in the night. God remains God even when everything changes. He is a perfect example for us to be steadfast in our love and walk with Him.

In the midst of hard times, wake each day, resolving in your heart that your praise and prayer will not cease. -Keep Showing Up #prunedlife Share on X

Some of us think of our relationship with God as a transaction. “I will do ABC, and God will do XYZ in return for me”. So when XYZ doesn’t materialise, we see that as a reason to cease doing the ABC we committed to. God wants a relationship with us where our heart is totally submitted to Him and not based on what He will do or not do for us. Biblical love is sacrificial, expecting nothing in return. It doesn’t mean there are no benefits to walking with God; it just means our mind should be focused on God’s face and not his hands. In any case, He sent His only begotten son to take our place; shouldn’t this be enough for us? Is Jesus’ death on the cross enough for you?

Be of good cheer! Jesus has overcome all your worries, fears, uncertainties, and doubts. Peace can only be found in Jesus, but you must show up. You must consistently continue praying, praising, and nurturing your relationship with God. 

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NLT

In the midst of hard times, wake each day, resolving in your heart that your praise and prayer will not cease. It is God’s will that we be thankful in every circumstance and grow in our relationship with Him at all times. Pray when you don’t feel like it, and praise even when you don’t understand the messy situation you find yourself in. Keep being faithful to God until it becomes part of you and until you cannot live outside of God. I have found that creating a system around my worship and devotion to God keeps me grounded and consistent. Like everything you do, create a system and daily routine that prioritises your worship, prayer and study of God’s word. 

A life of faithfulness to God is a life of victory in God

You cannot defeat or conquer anyone who is consistent or who will always show up. A consistent life of prayer and praise is a life of victory. The devil has nothing on you when he knows nothing will stop you from showing up in God’s presence because his ultimate aim is to take you out of God’s presence. I have been privileged to meet one or two believers who lost everything but kept on following God. Their testimony reminds me that nothing is too good or bad to take me out of God’s love.

Some have gone before us who tribulation,  distress, persecution,  famine,  nakedness, peril,  sword, death, life, angels, principalities, powers,  things present or things to come (Romans 8:35-39) couldn’t take out of God’s love or make them turn their backs on God. What could possibly be our excuse?

My charge to us today is that we should resolve in our hearts that our walk with God is not negotiable. When we start from this mindset, then we can walk our way towards every other issue, thought, or doubt plaguing our lives. One thing is certain: the answers and solutions we seek can only be found in God. Even if we do not find the answers or solutions we seek, we know we will be okay, whether in life or in death. 

Like the three Hebrew boys said to King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 3) that, God can deliver them from the burning fiery furnace, but even if He doesn’t, they will not serve or worship the king’s idols. We can say to the problems in our lives that we will show up because we know God can take care of them and that even if He doesn’t, we will still show up and will not bow to the dictates of our flesh and problems. One thing is sure: God never abandons His own and will never leave you stranded. Be consistent, be faithful, and keep showing up. A life of faithfulness to God is a life of victory in God. May the Lord give us the grace and strength to keep showing up. Amen.

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