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A New Year, A Renewed Trust in God

2020 is a year we won’t forget in a hurry.  It was a year many of us never dreamed we would experience in our lifetime. A year where our faith was tested. A year where we had to truly believe that delay is not denial. A year where many lost jobs, property and loved ones sooner than expected. A year where we had no choice but to be quieter. A year where we were forced to spend more time indoors. A year where we were forced to keep distance from those we longed to interact with. A year where as God’s people, we were reminded that we are not in control of our lives as much as we think we are, God is in control. 

We  are in 2021, the pandemic isn’t over yet. We hear talks of vaccines and many countries are making plans about who gets vaccinated and when. Some have started vaccinating health workers and people with underlying medical conditions who are at increased risk for severe illness from the virus. I think this is great but as people of God we need to step into 2021 with hope that goes beyond what the government plans for our countries. The first question to ask yourself is; “what attitude am I bringing into 2021?” Did you spend all of 2020 raising your fist at God? Did you lose hope because the significant delay you experienced in executing your plans for 2020 appeared to be God denying your requests? Or did 2020 increase your faith and patience? Did you pray throughout the year trusting that God would keep you every step of the way even though tomorrow was uncertain and the loss unbearable? Did the Lord open your eyes to other things He wanted you to focus on that you wouldn’t have focused on if not for the pandemic? Have you learned to hold on to God’s unchanging hand? 

There were constant changes throughout 2020. Even in the month of December here in Ireland when the lockdown was lifted for the Christmas period, we were quickly faced with rising cases, passengers from Britain were banned from coming into Ireland due to the new Covid strain and then lockdown was imposed on us sooner than we anticipated. This was personally difficult for me as my beloved older brother was planning to visit for Christmas from Britain and we had to revert to video calls. But instead of focusing on the many changes that surrounded me as a result of Covid 19, I was reminded of the great hymn ‘Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand’. 

Time is filled with swift transition
Naught of earth unmoved can stand
Build your hopes on things eternal
Hold to God's unchanging hand
Hold to His hand God's unchanging hand
Build your hopes on things eternal
Hold to God's unchanging hand

God doesn’t change. Even though our environment continues to change at a somewhat uncomfortable pace during this pandemic, God doesn’t change, so hold His hand in 2021. There is peace in knowing that God’s unchanging hand is available for you to hold. You don’t do yourself any favours by not holding it! Take hold of His hand and don’t let go.

As people of God we can trust God. He knows our journey, He knows what is to come, and when you pass through difficulty and obstacles with faith, you will come out stronger. Job echoes this in Job 23:10, ESV. He experienced an unbelievable amount of change and trials in an extremely short period of time, but he was able to say this:

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold

If you were discouraged last year, let the word of God encourage you this year. God is always good even when we don’t understand our losses. A dear friend of mine invited me to a lady’s bible study recently and the leader referred to Psalm 65:11a,NKJV

“You crown the year with Your goodness…”

I have been thinking about this verse over the last couple of weeks. Many of us at the onset of the pandemic hoped that it would be taken away with 2020, but here we are in 2021 and we are all still wearing face masks and social distancing. Can we truly say that God crowned 2020 with His goodness? I believe we can because He did crown it with His goodness. There are so many things we can be grateful for. Many of us started doing things the Lord called us to do a while ago that we never seemed to have time to do. Many started writing, singing, learning to play musical  instruments, started prayer groups and so on. But above all, God truly did awaken us as His people through this pandemic and reminded us that this world is not our final destination. We should continue to set our eyes on eternity (Colossians 3:2). 

2021 is here, hold on to God’s unchanging hand, trusting that He will keep you regardless of how fast the environment around you changes.

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