I was in class on a particular day (this time in university). We were having a random girls chat when one of the girls mentioned that she wished she had...

Your Response

Have you ever been in a situation where you were excited about something and went to share your excitement with a friend only to get a response that completely burst your bubble? Well, I ...

Are you hungry enough to walk uprightly and become a true believer? Are you willing to be bold, rise, take a stand, take a leap, run or jump into the...

In a world that is and will increasingly be hostile to Christianity or anyone who professes Christ, we must be reminded in the face of provocation that Jesus our Lord...

Service In The Dungeon

Many of us can relate to seasons where we can't plan for the future because of the level of uncertainty that surrounds our lives. At such times, the future isn't only bleak but looks like our end. So as Christians, what can...

Do you ever find yourself rushing through what you believe God is calling you to do? The problem is that while you rush you lose your steadiness. We don't see…

Forgiveness is never easy. It's natural to hold on to the pain others caused you. But what do you do when those who you love most stab you? What did Joseph do?...


The wise King Solomon starts off by encouraging us to mind our hearts. The advice that follows cannot be taken in without first understanding that the journey of your life is dependent on...

“Is it right for a Christian to take another Christian to court?” Paul makes a profound argument about why it isn’t a good look for believers to sue one another to court over...