Let Your Thanksgiving Be As Loud As Your Requests
My parents taught me to say “thank you” when anyone is kind or helpful to me. In most cultures and situations, expressing gratitude by saying “thank you” is commonly regarded as …
My parents taught me to say “thank you” when anyone is kind or helpful to me. In most cultures and situations, expressing gratitude by saying “thank you” is commonly regarded as …
As a teenager, I enjoyed watching professional wrestling, specifically WWE. My parents did not allow me to watch wrestling because of the violence and …
The parents of the blind man described in John chapter 9 would most likely have asked the same question. Parents are filled with joy when they receive their newborn baby. But this joy may…
It was my good friend’s wedding, and I bought a dress, but I was not too fond of the shape of the skirt. So, I spent more money to get it tailored to my preference. When I took it to the tailor, I …
Throughout life, we are presented with opportunities to let go certain things. A child growing into a teenager may need to let go of certain toys that are not befitting for a teenager. A teenager budding into an adult may need…
From 2020 to 2022, I experienced a profound sense of disconnection from God. I would have a consistent relationship with God for a…
A mindset of self-dependency develops when we constantly work by relying on our abilities and skills to succeed. Choosing to rest in…
Two things I want to share with you have become critical for my walk with Christ as I mature in His knowledge and love. These things have helped me, and I am confident they will never…
So often, we want to put God in a box. Not only do we limit Him to how we believe He should act and intervene in our situations, we expect Him to do whatever we want…
If we believe God is distant, we’ll take matters into our own hands. If we believe God is angry, we’ll walk on eggshells, avoid Him, or…