
Doers But Not Hearers

You have probably heard many times in your Christian walk “Be doers of the word and not hearers only”. This comes from one of the most well-known passages in the Bible, James 1:22 which, in essence, describes how we should not only hear God’s word through captivating sermons or reading the Holy Bible for the sake of it but we should also apply His word and implement it in every area of our lives. In other words, be practical with the word God has given you and by continuously doing so, you shall be blessed in what you do (James 1:25). But what happens when you become caught up with the “doing” and you forget about the “hearing from God”. Here, we will discuss how it is not only important to be doers but also to continuously be hearers and seek God’s counsel at all times.

We live in a time where I believe there is a raising up of Christians destined to occupy various sectors in this world. They are destined to speak out about issues that greatly affect our generation, by being the mouthpiece of God and by providing Godly solutions to the world’s problems. Even so, many get caught up in what they believe God has called them to do (maybe through a word they received) that they neglect the need to constantly commune and hear from God on how to act on that word on a day-to-day basis. This can often lead to loss of focus and a distorted vision which results in de-motivation, dangerous comparison and more often than not, giving up because you lost sight of what you were actually meant to do. How do you expect to create impact through the tools God has given you if you do not seek to receive instruction on how to use those tools? 

We dare not rely on our own wisdom and understanding especially with the things God Himself has called us to do.

Think of it this way, when you order a new bedside table, it usually comes with some tools including screws and some table parts. Most importantly, it comes with a set of instructions on how to put the table together. Imagine if you decided to run with the vision of the table you had in mind ignoring the step-by-step instructions, you would produce a table which is disfigured, or worse, a table which may look good but when pressure is applied, falls into pieces. If only you followed the instructions!

If we look in the Book of Exodus where Moses was chosen by God to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt, we can see that every step of the way, Moses was always available to hear from God concerning the next steps they needed to take to lead the people into the land flowing with milk and honey. God had already chosen Moses to lead the people out of slavery and deliver them from the evil they suffered at the hand of the Egyptians (Exodus 3:10), just as God might have chosen you to set up that new society at your university. But if Moses relied on his own wisdom and understanding as the best way to achieve this godly mission, the chances of him succeeding would be very slim. In a similar way, if God has given you an idea for a new business or declared you to be a speaker at the House of Representatives, making decisions based on your own volition without God’s counsel would not be wise. We dare not rely on our own wisdom and understanding especially with the things God Himself has called us to do. Don’t be so eager to continue in action that you forget to regularly consult with the one who sent you in the first place. 

I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me. - John 5:30

Continuing in the book of Exodus, the Lord gave instructions to Moses to tell the people that they are to go out each day and receive manna from heaven but what they received each day should not be kept until morning except on the 6th day in preparation for the Sabbath day (Exodus 16:19, 26). Let us look deeper into these instructions. They were instructed to go out each day which can be equivalent to going out and receiving what God has to give you that day to help you move forward. They also were not meant to keep what they had received the previous day into the next day (except on day 6). This emphasizes the need to intentionally go out each day and receive that which God has to pour into you because the strategy of yesterday is different from the strategy of today. 

Remember the Lord had already promised the Israelites the Promised Land and to attain this, they were to leave Egypt. But every step of the way, Moses and the people of Israel had to rely on Godly instruction as they progressed further along on this mission for God’s promise to be fulfilled. They were told where to camp and the ways to go while in the wilderness (Deut. 1:31-33). Do you think if they never listened to God or if Moses did not continue going to receive instruction from God on a regular basis, that they would have got there? In fact, you can see that they even began to lose sight of this promise and disobeyed God’s instructions and as a result, their generation never got to the Promised Land (Deut. 1:26-36). That is what happens when you initially act upon a word but do not give equal effort to continuously hear from God, abide by His instructions and have faith that what He said He will surely do.

Being a hearer and a doer are both important, none should be neglected at the expense of the other. So while you are hearing, do and while you are doing, hear. Share on X

God speaks in many different ways and you have to identify how He speaks to you. Once you identify that, always be ready to listen. There is a fine balance between hearing and doing and both are important. Yes, hear God’s word but also put it into action. Yes, put it into action but also continue to seek His counsel. They both work hand in hand. So, while you are hearing, do and while you are doing, hear. Being a hearer and a doer are both important, none should be neglected at the expense of the other and neither should be neglected.  Yes, we are called to action but don’t be so focused on performing that you abandon the script written by our maker. God has our paths laid out but only through communication and counsel with Him and with those He has sent to you, will you begin to realize His mission and purpose for your life. So, I want us to ask ourselves, is there anything I am doing right now which I believe God has called me to do without seeking wisdom or strategy from He who sent me? Am I jumping ahead? Ask God for forgiveness and in each and everything presented to you, ask God to order your steps and show you exactly the way to go.

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