Identifying Your Purpose

Walking in purpose is what every believer desires but we often struggle on how to identify or discover God’s purpose for our lives. Your purpose is something powerful, and discovering it should never be overlooked. Why? Because it is the very reason you were created. A lack of fulfilment in life is often derived from the vacuum or emptiness the lack of purpose creates. Many often give up searching and choose to accept their unfulfilled state. Let me just remind you that whether you know it or not, God has a purpose for your life as Proverbs 16:4 states “The Lord has made everything for its purpose”. God has a master plan, your birth and the purpose attached to it has a role to play in God’s master plan. The first step to identifying your purpose is to truly believe that you have one because you do.

In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. (Romans 12:6, NLT)

There is something that God has gifted everyone, but if we don’t truly believe this, how can we discover it? Just as Proverbs 23:7 says; “as a man thinks, so is he…” Our thoughts have a lot of power in determining how far we go and what we achieve in life. Train your mind to believe God’s promises for your life and that He has given you a unique gift and a purpose for them. Meditate on the truth that He has planted a unique seed in you. It is something you must discover and feed in order to bring forth its fruit.

Finding your purpose can only take place when you completely submit to God, surrender your entire life to Him and ask Him for guidance. In John 15:4-5, Jesus reminds us that in order to produce fruit, we have to be in Him. Being in Him does not only enable us to know who we are but also to know the purpose attached to our existence. One thing that I have learned recently is that sometimes we dismiss the very thing God has called us into. Perhaps we believe it is not big enough or impactful like our neighbours’. Finding your purpose may involve looking inward and identifying something that you encounter frequently but often dismiss. What you sometimes ignore might be the very thing God has called you into but it will only be revealed as you spend time with God and allow Him to freely direct you. Sometimes, learn to take a break and reflect on your life. What past experiences have you gone through that can shed light on what your purpose could be? A past pain? A past failure or triumph? A gift you often dismiss or overlook? God can make use of the insignificant and make them become significant for His purpose.

It is essential that as you begin this process, you aim to eliminate any distractions that might influence you or make you pursue what is inspired by your flesh. For instance, I believe social media is an example of a place that can rob people of their identity and true life’s purpose, especially when used without discipline. The constant trends and comparisons that occur on social media sway people in different paths than where or what God intended for them. This is because we are often tempted to be part of what is trendy and popular. For others who may not be influenced by social media, friends and family could be an influence on their lives and purpose. 

Sometimes pressure from our friends or family makes us do things God never intended for us in the first place. Prayerfully discern solicited and unsolicited advice from loved ones. I am not saying you should abandon your friends/family, let God lead and guide you.  If you have to, don’t be afraid to respectfully limit some interactions with loved ones as you prayerfully seek the face of God about the direction for your life.

Let us take the story of Abraham and Lot. When God initially called Abraham, he didn’t include Lot in his command, but Abraham brought him along anyway. But if you notice, it wasn’t until Abraham got separated from Lot before God revealed to Abraham his life’s purpose—to be a Father of many Nations (Genesis 13:14-17). Ask God for the ability to discern who you may need to be separated from for a season and who you may need to connect with instead that will help you not only to discover your purpose but to also fulfil it.

Once you have gone through the above steps and as you continue to develop a deeper relationship with God, He will begin to reveal Himself to you and direct you on His purpose for your life. This is the seed he planted in you when he made you. However, even though this seed was planted in you by God, you have the responsibility of watering and feeding the seed so that it can grow and develop into all it was intended to be.

Let us look at Jesus as an example. Even though the purpose of Jesus’s birth was known, he still had to go through a process before he ever got to the cross to be crucified. There was a period between his birth and his crucifixion; including his childhood, teen, and early adult life. Jesus would have most likely developed the skills, attributes, character, and all he would need to enable him to be the ultimate sacrifice for us all during this period. The reason why I believe Jesus was not just put on the cross immediately after his birth or in his early years was because God understood the importance of the process of development and preparation. The same can be said for King David who was anointed to be the King at a young age (1 Samuel 16:13) but still had a process of development and growth to go through that would enable him to become a great King.

A purpose without acknowledging the process of development and mastery of skill stifles growth and forward movement. The process feeds the seed, helps it to be strong and gives it all the nutrients it needs to be all God intended it to be. Once you get an inkling into what God has called you to do, ask Him how you should feed the seed. Is there a course you might need to do? Is there a connection you might need to make? Go for it! Remember also to value the purpose God has revealed to you – please see Stephanie’s post on Valuing Your Purpose to help you with this.

A purpose is designed to solve problems and I remember someone once told me that one of the reasons why we have so many unsolved problems in this world is because we have too many people who are not walking with purpose. God has a purpose for your life. It is up to you to agree with, and walk in it. To identify it, first acknowledge you have one, develop a relationship with your maker, and plug into Him as He is our source that gives light and clarity. Limit distractions, listen, and obey. Remember, nothing is forced upon you because God has given us free will to make our choices. Ultimately, no matter what God reveals to you, the choice and decision are yours to make. Just because it may be His purpose for you does not mean it is going to come cheap or be achieved easily with minimal or no effort. But just like God told Joshua to be strong and courageous as he fulfilled his purpose to lead the people into the Promised Land as a replacement for Moses, I am also encouraging each and every one of us to be strong and courageous. Let us be obedient to God’s voice and let our hearts be drawn towards becoming all that He called and created us to be.

If you can, listen to Called to Be by Jonathan Nelson

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