
I’m Just Tired

We have all been there, well at least I have! Tired of our circumstances. Tired of how long it’s taking to move into our next desired phase. Tired of the energy we put into something without seeing our desired results. Tired of the wait.

I find that those who have been tired for a long time are the most difficult to encourage. Once you have made up your mind that you can’t take it anymore or go through with something it takes a lot to be convinced out of it! Mind you, the world we live in gives us many reasons to become weary and discouraged. Our Lord knows that. But as Christians, we have hope because we have God.

Luke 18:1 reads that ‘men ought always to pray and not to faint’.

Prayer is an absolute privilege. I’m reminded of a popular hymn that reads ‘what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer’. Prayer is not always easy, but it certainly is a privilege. The mistake we make is when we pray and take the issue back into our own hands. We are called to leave our requests at the altar. You are not sovereign. We do ourselves injustice when we come to God with our prayers, lay them out before Him at the altar, and then right after we say amen take them off the altar! This is where worry and fear begin to kick in. Worry is akin to sitting on a rocking chair, going back and forth, and hoping that the rocking motion of the chair is moving you forward.  Nope! You remain in the exact same spot. Not  only do you remain in the exact same spot, but you also become  more tired than when you first started rocking back and forth due to the energy you expend in overthinking.

One of my favorite verses is Psalm 55:22 ‘Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved’.

Sometimes we find ourselves tired of our circumstances. Tired of how long it’s taking to move into our next desired phase. Tired of the energy we put into something without seeing our desired results. Tired of the wait? Share on X

The definition of ‘cast’ is to throw (something) forcefully in a specified direction. Two things stand out to me in this definition. The first is the word ‘forcefully’. This indicates that when we pray we are to be eager for the Lord to take up our burdens. So eager that we throw our burdens on His alter forcefully! With energy! The second item that stands out to me in the definition is the phrase ‘specified direction’. This is probably the most important part of the definition. When you cast something, you don’t just throw it anywhere; it should have a specific direction. Now the key question for us as Christians is: what direction are we throwing our burden? Psalm 55:22 advises that our ‘specified direction’ should be ‘upon the Lord’. When you cast your burdens on your head, your friends, your family, co-workers, and whatever  you may be surrounded by, it may provide you with temporary relief. But none of those people or things can sustain you with the promise that ‘He will sustain thee’ and that you ‘will not be moved’. He guarantees that you will be kept standing firm. Unless the people or things you go to redirect you to the Lord, your burden remains lurking around you. Besides, what friend apart from Christ is more than willing to share your grief and sorrows?

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:34 not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. We waste our precious energy worrying and this is why we become tired. Let God be God. You have taken your situation to Him already, He has heard. Once you have laid your request at the altar follow Psalm 27:14 ‘Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord’.

The principles given in scripture will help us to not become weary if we follow them. Our Father in Heaven has heard your cry; trust Him. If you are tired, tell the Lord that you are tired, and that you need His strength.

Isaiah 40:31 ‘But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.’

These are powerful promises. Our God does not lie; trust Him, ask Him to renew your strength while you wait on Him; don’t be tired! Men ought always to pray. As the great hymn ‘What a friend we have in Jesus’ calls us to do, take everything to God in prayer.

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  1. You are so right, we need to learn to just leave everything at the altar. This is how we display our solemn trust in him. No issue or problem is too big for God to handle and I guess that is something we should always remind ourselves everyday. Thanks for this Stephanie!

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