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Let God Transform You

God’s interaction with the people of Israel in the old testament lets us know that the coming of Jesus wasn’t an afterthought. Instead, the old testament is a shadow of things to come providing clues about God’s will to fellowship with man and save humankind. Sometimes the stories or statements in the old testament are challenging to understand, but the new testament clarifies them and gives a better picture of God’s plan. One of such stories can be found in Isaiah 6:1-10.

Prophet Isaiah had a vision of God on the throne. He saw God honoured and dignified in all His majestic splendour. He heard the seraphim testify to each other of God’s glorious nature and character, crying, Holy holy holy is the Lord of hosts in God’s presence. God is holy; it’s His nature. He is the standard of what is perfectly good. His holiness means that He is set apart from human creatures, meaning that He is not human but Divine. In Isaiah 6:5, NLT we see the reaction of Prophet Isaiah to the aura of the Lord’s greatness.

Then I said, “It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.”

His reaction is all too familiar. That’s the reaction of a man who is aware of his humanity, although he is a Prophet. He saw that there was no parallel between his life and God. God is light, and when darkness comes near light, it exposes everything hidden in darkness. So Isaiah did not see himself as the revered prophet everyone knew him to be. Instead, he saw himself as a man needing the Father’s touch.

A close relationship with God should birth humility in you. It should show you that despite your achievements, titles and status, you are a man who needs God. It is profound that Isaiah acknowledged his sinful nature. This acknowledgement is also a cry for the touch and help of God. You may only fully understand the depravity of man exemplified by what Isaiah saw in his life once you understand why Jesus came to earth.

The following action of the seraphim in Isaiah 6 after Isaiah cried out about his sinful nature reminds us of one reason Jesus suffered and died. The death of Jesus cleansed us from our sins (1 John 1:7-9).

Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. He touched my lips with it and said, “See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.” – Isaiah 6:6, NLT

One of the seraphim flew to Isaiah and ministered to him. The angelic being took burning coal with a tong and touched the lips of Isaiah. This signified that Isaiah’s sin had been burned away. This is victory over sin. The purging of Isaiah’s sin with coals taken from the altar may not have been pleasant. Nevertheless, it was a sacrificial experience, a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice so that we might have victory over sin.

I find it comforting that God attended to Isaiah’s cry about his unclean lips. I am confident if Isaiah made a similar comment about his heart, for instance, God would have reached out and given him a new heart. The lesson here is that any area of our lives that we are willing to let God touch will experience God’s touch.

Many of us struggle with exposing some parts of our lives to God’s healing touch. We are scared about what might happen or become of us if we let go of those areas of our lives that we think are too bad. However, God will never forsake a heart that wants to be renewed or transformed. Isaiah’s lips became cleansed because he submitted himself to God. This is a result of an encounter with God. An encounter with Jesus means that your life can’t remain the same. It only takes a willing heart and one touch from God for your life to experience a total transformation.

God wants to burn away the old way we think, speak, and act. He wants to make us new in every area of our lives. He wants our experience and testimony to change. He wants to give us a new message of new life and use us as a channel to spread this message. We see in Isaiah 6:8 that God asked a question and sought volunteers for His work after He had cleansed Prophet Isaiah’s lips.

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8, NLT.

Isaiah instinctively knew that the cleansing of his lips and touch from God was for a reason and a purpose. God had prepared and sanctified him for a mission. Isaiah embraced this mission voluntarily even though he did not know the details; “Here I am. Send me”. God is always searching for the sanctified with a willing heart, who will carry His message to the ends of the earth. He wants to give you a new lip for a new message.

I have no idea where you are in your walk with God as you read this. Even if you have a relationship with God, you may not have subjected every aspect of your life to His light or burning coals. Perhaps you have done everything else but may not be willing to be sent for His purposes. My humble message to you is that God can transform you regardless of where you stand. All He needs from you is a willing heart and a hungry soul.

As you round off the year with friends, feasts and fun, create more time for fellowship with God. Let God walk you through the remaining days of this year, transform and prepare you for next year. God wants a relationship with you. He wants to make you fit for His purpose. He wants to establish His kingdom on earth, and you are integral to His plan. 

Photo credit: ©istockphoto/grace21

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