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Let God’s Kingdom Be Your Priority

Welcome to the new year! I spent the last days of last year reflecting on my life and my walk with God in 2021. I wondered if I was consistently obedient to the voice of God and if I was consistent in standing for the truth of God’s word and His instructions to me. I wondered if there were steps I should or shouldn’t have taken. I wondered if I could have been a better support to my family, friends and loved ones. One theme kept popping up in my thoughts: God’s Kingdom should be the priority in my agenda regardless of other pursuits. This is the message I have taken with me into 2022, which I am sharing with you; let God’s Kingdom be your priority.

For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. Romans 11:36,NLT

Everything we own and will ever own comes from God and is intended to bring glory to God. As you live the life God has given you this year, remember that everything that will happen or won’t happen to you is God’s design to bring all glory to Himself. Be alert to recognise this and make yourself available to be a signpost to His glory. A signpost is not the destination but directs or informs about the destination. Therefore, let every activity of your life direct men to the glory of God’s Kingdom. Let men see Christ in you. This understanding will put your mind in a posture to be obedient to God, trust in His promises, and submit to His sovereignty.

Let all your plans, activities, dreams, and prayers in 2022 be a channel for propagating and establishing God’s Kingdom. When we have a Kingdom mindset, we acknowledge that we belong to a system where God is at the helm of affairs. We submit to the rules of the Kingdom, and we humbly accept our place as subjects to the King for life, even until death. This reminds me of the Japanese soldiers who fought in world war II. They saw themselves as men on a worthy mission—fighting for the emperor of Japan and did so even until the end of their lives. There were no “if’s” or “buts”; it was all about the emperor until the bitter end. Of course, God doesn’t expect us to pick up arms for Him. The sacrifice of Jesus is enough. However, we are called to be a living sacrifice that is pleasing to God (Romans 12:1). In other words, in this Kingdom, the pleasure of our King is our priority. What a challenge, and what a sacrifice!

We will always be tempted to do things our way and for our own pleasure. We will have to consistently fight the urge to enact another agenda outside the agenda of our everlasting King. But we should never forget that we are better off sticking to the King’s plan. For instance, recently, I recognised that many of the battles and fights for social justice today wouldn’t be needed if we stuck to the agenda of our King. Suppose we obeyed the command to love our neighbours, the less privileged and the vulnerable. In that case, we will have a world that better reflects God’s love for humanity regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or political leaning. In this new year, think of doing things God’s way and not your way. Before making major decisions this year, ask yourself, “will this bring glory to God?” or “will this enhance my walk with God?”. If a step or decision you take this year will make you live in disobedience to the King, then you shouldn’t be moving forward with it, except you do not belong to this Kingdom.

The Lord has made the heavens his throne; from there he rules over everything. Praise the Lord, you angels, you mighty ones who carry out his plans, listening for each of his commands. Yes, praise the Lord, you armies of angels who serve him and do his will. Praise the Lord, everything he has created, everything in all his Kingdom. Psalms 103:19-22,NLT

I was invited for dinner by an elderly Christian couple last year. While I observed the beautiful layout and decorations of their home, I couldn’t help but wonder what it must have been like for them to walk with God as faithfully as they did while remaining married. They became believers at a time when you were communally ostracised for repenting and giving your heart to God, yet they were steadfast. You could sense that they loved each other and loved the Lord. I noticed that everything in their home reminded me that their life, work, marriage and family had prioritised the agenda of God’s Kingdom. I reckon it wasn’t intentional, but it can’t be hidden when you belong to this Kingdom. What I learnt from that visit is that God’s Kingdom plan is for all of life. It should not be only a notion but an action with visible results.

There will be times in 2022 when it will feel like the King’s mission is impossible or that His agenda is unattainable. At such times, remember that our King doesn’t only set an agenda for us; He equips us with the resources to implement His agenda if we are willing. Also, remember that since we are created for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11), His agenda should be our agenda (see His Mission, Our Mission).

We will experience all the seasons and times we see in a typical year, both physically and spiritually. This year, you may have moments to make decisions that could mar or make your destiny. You may gain new friends or fall out with old friends, and you may have moments of plenty or little this year. Regardless of whatever situation you find yourself in, think of God’s Kingdom in the midst of it all. Do not let God’s Kingdom be an afterthought in your affairs and dealings. Indeed our relationship with the King in this Kingdom is not transactional but relational; however, He infinitely rewards those who diligently seek His plan, purpose and will. Do not think the King is not interested in your needs; your needs for this year has been well taken care of in His plan. If you prioritise His business, He will take care of yours. I pray that we will walk diligently and upright with God this year.

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33,NLT

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for bringing me into the year 2022. Please give me the grace and humility to obey your voice in all my affairs this year. Amen!

Photo credit: ©istockphoto/Ozkan Ongel

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One Comment

  1. Thanks so much for such a great resource. I have been doing your devotional on the Bible App “trusting God with your future” and I am being thoroughly challenged but equally blessed. Thanks guys you are doing outstanding work. Love from South Africa

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