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Now That You Are In 2021

The last year was a unique year in modern history, it kicked off like every other year but by February/March, we started living in the new normal we find ourselves today. Many have lost loved ones, jobs, relationships, and themselves. Governments, businesses, families and individuals are still struggling to recover from the unprecedented shock of COVID-19. We aren’t out of the woods yet but there’s a growing sense of acceptance, hope and optimism for the future. No doubt, 2020 was equally a very good year for many, and for others, it came down to seeing the year out in one piece. We have found a way to cope and move on while fighting this battle. Midway into 2020, many mentally gave up on the year and looked forward to 2021, almost as if this new year will automatically erase all that happened last year and reset life to what it was before COVID-19. In their defense, a new year offers an opportunity for renewed hope, a fresh start, and an optimistic outlook to how we approach issues in our lives. Are there any lessons you can take from the last year that will ignite a renewed hope for you in this year and years to come?

The turbulence we experienced in 2020 really demonstrated the randomness of life, it wasn’t selective. From the streets to the palace, and from the underdeveloped to the developed world, nowhere was left out. It reminded me of the fact that we live in a fallen and imperfect world, and truly, this world is not our final destination. As Christians living in this world, we are not insulated from the troubles of this fallen world. Perhaps one of the greatest lessons we can take from this season is a better understanding of the experiences of people who lived in uncertainty, despair, and fear long before the global pandemic. Some of us complain bitterly about the restrictions to movement, and some of us feel our rights are being violated when asked to quarantine or wear a face mask. But we forget that some people were already “quarantined” on their sickbed and some couldn’t move past their bedroom because of their health challenges even before the global pandemic, they did not have the luxury to complain because it was a matter of living or dying. The life we had to live en masse is the only life some people and families have known for years. This year offers an opportunity for us to do better and to show more kindness and compassion to others, especially towards those who are not as privileged as we are. There are some of us who hitherto couldn’t identify with the pain or suffering of others, and I hope and pray we can now understand that sometimes life can take a turn for the worse through no fault of our own and beyond our control because we live in a fallen world.

You may not need a prophecy, or a “thus sayest the lord” for 2021—living by the truth you have already received is more than enough for you.

Have you asked yourself why God has spared you through these times? How should we approach this year and other years to come regardless of the times? How should we walk each day in 2021 even with the lingering questions and uncertainties? We may not have all the answers but one thing is sure, living by the truth is enough to lead us each day. You may not need a prophecy, or a “thus sayest the lord” for 2021living by the truth you have already received is more than enough for you. In John 14:8 Philip said to Jesus “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” There are various theological schools of thought about the motive, his state of mind, his understanding or lack thereof when he asked this question. However, at the least, we can all agree Philip implied that the knowledge of the Father was enough for him. At a time when the world is seeking answers and trying to unravel mysteries, is the knowledge of the truth enough for you? Irrespective of how 2021 turns out to be, can you rest each day in the knowledge and understanding of the truth and God’s plan of salvation?

Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus is the truth, and we are to live a life that conforms to the gift of salvation we have received from God through Jesus Christ. Living by the truth each day means that you oppose and will always oppose everything that stands against the truth. In 2 Timothy 3:1-9, Paul outlines what we should look out for in perilous times. He tells us people will live their lives being lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, the list goes on, and then he goes ahead to mention Jannes and Jambres as examples of such. This is what he says about them in 2 Timothy 3:8-9, “Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected”. Basically, just like how Jannes and Jambres fought Moses, in perilous times or in the last days, people will fight the truth.

If you observe your environment today, you would see that there are lots of battles against the truth. People are fighting against the truth with how they live their lives and with what they teach. Our faith is constantly being challenged, some of us have lost focus on the cross and we find ourselves struggling with doubt. Sometimes our knowledge of God’s faithfulness is questioned, this epitomizes the internal and external battles we face against the truth we have believed and embraced. The only way we can properly stand for the truth and oppose everything against the truth is to continue living by the truth and yield our lives to it. Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:9 that anyone who lives a life constantly fighting the truth will not go far, no one will succeed in fighting the truth in this life and in the life to come.  In other words, God is still in control, He can’t lose this battle. 

As you have received and embraced the truth, don’t fight it, live it. As you journey through this year, make up your mind to live only by the salvation you have received, the truth of God’s word and His instruction to you. Share on X

As you have received and embraced the truth, don’t fight it, live it. As you journey through this year, make up your mind to live only by the salvation you have received, the truth of God’s word and His instruction to you. In Colossians 1:27  we are reminded that Christ in us is the hope of glory. The hope of glory we have in Christ is the fulfilment of God’s promises to us, not just when we leave this world but even as we journey through this world. This should be your mindset that even if you do not understand what God is doing or saying for the moment, and even when your life is being challenged, you will hold unto the truth, which is Christ. My hope and prayer is that we shall stand firm for the truth and we will not be moved by the times. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for ushering me into the year 2021. Through this year and beyond, help me to always remember your words and instructions. Give me the strength to yield my life daily to the cross and let me be who you have created me to be irrespective of the times. Amen.

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