There is a fine balance between hearing and doing and both are important. Moses was chosen by God to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt, we can see...
Don’t kill joy by comparing your situation to another’s . This a conscious decision you must make. You may believe that you would be ‘happier’ if you had exactly what others have. But you would be surprised to find out that ...
Nothing God has placed in your hands is useless and nothing is too small or insignificant for God to use. Who would have thought that all the years God...
We make it sound like we have earned certain things because of what we have done for the Lord in comparison to other people. We lift ourselves above..
I have seen people prepare their mind for a turbulent marriage expressing how they will “not tolerate nonsense” from their future partner because of the...
You can only ask the right questions when you have faith in the God to whom you are asking....