M. Essienubong

I wore many hats and found myself immersed in activities and programs on the campus fellowship. I was drowning, drained, and empty yet I appeared to be...


'If you live for people’s acceptance you will die from their rejection.' You are who God says you are. You are not defined by who or what has rejected you, you are defined by what God has...

M. Essienubong

If we are truly children of God, we must address injustice; we must speak for the weak, oppressed, vulnerable and we must do so on the foundation and understanding of God’s...


Solomon had riches, wisdom and lived a long life yet none of these things satisfied him. Learn from what he has to say in the book of Ecclesiastes.

M. Essienubong

As a teenager, my parents sent me to a Christian youth camp during one of my high school holidays. On the first day of the camp meeting, there was a boy who sat next to me during the morning and afternoon sessions and we decided we would sit next to each other for the evening session.


It is good to hope and dream, but we must be careful not to live in tomorrow. If you live in tomorrow, you will fail to live today. You may have convinced yourself that you will be happier when tomorrow comes but this is not true. When tomorrow comes you will desire what the next tomorrow could bring according to your hopes and dreams. Enjoy each season God takes you through.