Paul’s ministry, as outlined in the New Testament, demonstrates his dedication to being a witness for Jesus. Being a witness simply means sharing what we’ve seen, testifying of ...

In God’s instructions to us, He may be testing our faith, working on our heart, crucifying our carnal desires or selfishness and strengthening our...

Throughout life, we are presented with opportunities to let go certain things. A child growing into a teenager may need to let go of certain toys that are not befitting for a teenager. A teenager budding into an adult may need...

From 2020 to 2022, I experienced a profound sense of disconnection from God. I would have a consistent relationship with God for a...

A mindset of self-dependency develops when we constantly work by relying on our abilities and skills to succeed. Choosing to rest in...

Prayer, the medium through which the believer communicates and fellowship with God, informs our awareness of our insufficiency to God and our need for His sovereignty...