M. Essienubong

Welcome to 2023. I always admire the buzz that accompanies the beginning of a new year. There always seems to be a lot of optimism, goal-setting and hope that’s renewed every new year. Many see a new year as a chance at...


If you haven’t taken a step back at any stage this year, the end of the year is a perfect time! Sit down and meditate on how He crowns the year with His goodness in ...

M. Essienubong

God’s interaction with the people of Israel in the old testament lets us know that the coming of Jesus wasn’t an afterthought. Instead, the old testament is a shadow of things to come providing clues about God’s will to fellowship with man and ...


When that major event that you had so nicely placed in the order of your plans doesn’t go the way you wanted it to go, trust that God will give you better! Furthermore, He works ...

Guest Contributor : Aine

After a breakup, I went through a tough season, where I said, “I just need to keep busy because it distracts me.” I had operated that way for a very long time. I would throw myself into...


One day I noticed a middle-aged lady correcting a young man. The young man should have seen that the lady simply wanted him to recognise the issues she presented, but he had...