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Recognize the season

We all want to jump into a similar phase as we see in Jesus’ last three years on earth. This is where we see Him bless people around him every single day. Not a day went by without Him making an impact. As God’s people we all want to be in this position…right now! But we seem to forget that Jesus spent thirty years preparing for those three intense years. Thirty years! Some of you reading this may not even have lived that long. I’m writing this and I’m yet to turn thirty!

But this is what you must take away, before Jesus spent three years literally being a bomb of blessings to those around Him and fulfilling His calling on earth, He spent thirty years in humble preparation. Take out time to recognize the season God has you in right now. If Jesus had spent those thirty years moaning about how He wasn’t making as much of an impact as He believed He was capable of, He would not have been ready for the three intense years.

So, look at your life. What are you doing NOW? If God has you in the season of preparation, are you preparing as much as you can with the help of the Holy Spirit? Or are you wasting your season of preparation by being sad that you’re not yet in the season of impact?

Throughout your journey in life, take time to stop and meditate and see what season God has you in and what He wants you to do. Jesus faithfully worked as a carpenter; nothing glamorous right? The Scriptures don’t say too much about it. But I am confident that when we get to heaven our King will have a lot to say about His season of preparation as a carpenter!

So again, the question is what time is it in your life? Are you aware of exactly what God would have you do..now?

In John 2:4 we see Jesus’ response to His mother Mary when He was asked to turn water into wine at the wedding in Cana.

‘Woman, what does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come’

When you know what God has called you to do in a specific season and an ‘opportunity’ appears too soon, you will have the discernment as to whether it’s part of God’s will to step into it or not. Share on X

The hour Christ was referring to is the hour for Him to start making an impact on humanity with miracles. Even though Jesus knew what He was capable of doing, He also knew that His season of quietness was yet to end and did not want to step ahead of God’s timeline. 

When you know what God has called you to do in a specific season and an ‘opportunity’ appears too soon, you will have the discernment as to whether it’s part of God’s will to step into it or not. Not all ‘opportunities’ are opportunities. When an open door is presented to you don’t just run straight through it because you know it’s part of your future!

Timing is key. When we step into our desired next season too quickly we end up ruining things. When an opportunity appears, and you know it’s part of your destiny but it’s not the time for you to step into it, respond as Jesus did; ‘My hour has not yet come’.

Mind you, Jesus went ahead to do what His mother asked Him to do; but notice He did it very privately. Even the master of the wedding feast did not know where the wine came from! Only the servants knew. All because He knew it was not time to go public.

So, dear reader, take out time and examine what season God has placed you in. I urge you to maximize the potentials God has given you in that season so you will be ready to step into the next season.

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  1. What a great message,
    I pray more grace to fulfill in Christ Jesus.
    God bless you dear sister

  2. This was a great read. Sometimes we can also get frustrated about the season we are in and forget that there is a Godly purpose in that season. I pray God will help us to recognize our season and the right time for us to fulfil the things that he himself has put inside us. Thank you for this post.

    1. So glad it blessed you Tosin 🙂 . SO true!Ameen to that prayer. May the Lord help us to be patient

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