Get Down To Work
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Recovering from Ruins – Part 4

Get Down To Work

In part 3, we learned that our problems should not erode our capacity to be kind and compassionate to others suffering. We saw an example in how David and his men were kind to an Egyptian who was a slave of the Amalekites (1 Samuel 30:11-16). Subsequently, God used the helpless Egyptian to reward their kindness with the information they needed to locate the Amalekites and recover what they stole from them.

God had given his word to David, God blessed David’s kindness through a slave, and David took practical action towards recovery. David and his men had to do the work of fighting to recover what was stolen from them. David and his men caught the Amalekites unawares and fought them from dusk until the evening of the next day (1 Samuel 30: 17, NIV). It was serious warfare for these men who were skilled in battle. The lesson here is simple, get down to work. When you are knocked down, the vital step you need to take is the required action that will get you on your feet again. When God gives His word, you are to do the work.

 It is true that sometimes we struggle to find the strength to do the much-needed work because we are exhausted on all sides but if we must recover from ruins, we have to do the work of fighting and/or rebuilding. God will not come down physically to help us do our part. He has blessed us with the intellect, skill, and resources we need to deploy for recovery and to achieve our goals. Nothing can be substituted for the work we must do. We can pray and fast all day but if we do not complement it with any practical action that leads to results, it will all be in vain.

When we seek God’s face and He answers us, it should give us confidence that any action we take is according to His will, plan, and purpose for us. When God told David to “pursue, overtake and recover”, it would have amounted to nothing if David stayed weeping and wailing rather than taking action. When we act on God’s word to us, we are not validating His word but rather we are igniting faith in us through His word that triumphs in the face of obstacles and opposition. God’s word does not need us to be validated, but we need His word in us to remain alive. One of the reasons you must fight or do the work is because the devil will not willingly hand over what he has stolen from you. His job is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). He wants to see you weep and remain stagnant so that you do not build again.

When God told David to “pursue, overtake and recover”, it would have amounted to nothing if David stayed weeping and wailing rather than taking action. When God gives His word, you are to do the work. Share on X

Some of us have sought God’s face and obtained our answers. However, we are not ready to take any action because of fear. This ought not to be our reality because according to scripture, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). We can be comforted that we do not have to take action with our own strength, therefore, we should not let fear and laziness weaken our spirit.

We see a great example in Nehemiah, he was sad that the city of his people had been destroyed and was in ruins (Nehemiah 2:3). It is remarkable that he was not just sad about the situation but he also sought an avenue to rebuild. When the opportunity came, he took it.  He met with the leaders of Jerusalem, coordinated, and rallied the people to rebuild despite the opposition he faced (Nehemiah 2:17 – 20). He did not just rally them to rebuild with empty words but he encouraged them to rebuild in the Lord. He let them know that he had the backing of God in the mission to rebuild; I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me…” (Nehemiah 2:18). Nehemiah acknowledged the problem and got down to work! He was mocked and scorned (Nehemiah 2:19) but he remained determined to see the city rebuilt, he was determined to see results.

When we act on God’s word to us, we are igniting faith in us through His word that triumphs in the face of obstacles and opposition. God’s word does not need us to be validated, but we need His word in us to remain alive.

Has God blessed you with an idea that could help you recover from financial ruins but perhaps you are afraid to get down to work? Are you ashamed to rebuild because of your age? Are you nervous to give that project one last shot because people are going to mock and ridicule you? Are you skeptical about fighting for what is rightly yours because people who do not know your story or understand your journey will question your motive? Be assured that God has got your back, He will give you victory in your fight and will stand by you as you rebuild. Make that phone call, pick up that pen, write that song, record that song again, embark on that missionary trip, go to that seminary, tell someone about that business, work on that idea, knock on that door again, make that request you think is awkward, be determined to see results, rebuild and fight! You can recover all and you will recover from your ruins, get down to work today.

Follow up the Final Part of this topic.

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