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The Call We Must Answer

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)

God is always looking out for His Children and everything He has created. Man is God’s most prized possession and He looks for men who will reach out to other men. Life is riddled with challenges, and as we seek the face of God for solutions, He seeks men who are willing to be part of the solution. God’s uttermost desire is that all men be saved, but how can men be saved if we keep our salvation experience to ourselves? How can men be saved if no man is willing to speak about salvation? How can there be answers if no man is willing to be part of the solution?

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:13 – 15 (NIV)

Many of us have a good understanding of what God expects from us. We have no doubt He has been knocking on the door of our hearts but we have ignored His call and refused to respond like Isaiah; “Here am I, send me!”. When He calls some of us respond like Moses; “Here I am, but I am not good enough” (Exodus 4:10). Others like Gideon; “Here I am but I am the least in all I do” (Judges 6:15) or like Jeremiah; “Here I am, but I am too young” (Jeremiah 1:6).

It was true that Moses was not eloquent in speech, it was true that Gideon was from the weakest clan and he was the least in his family. Yes, Jeremiah was young and somewhat inexperienced. But that’s not what God saw in them, their limitations couldn’t derail His plan.  All He needed was their will because there was something much more important to accomplish. We sometimes make the mistake of adopting earthly prerequisites to give ourselves the confidence we need to carry out heavenly assignments. God is saying “put your confidence in me, you don’t need any other qualification because I have qualified you for every good work”. God knows our limitations and if He has truly sent us, we can be sure He will provide all that we need to carry out His assignment. Our limitations are too small to derail God’s divine plan because when God calls us, He calls us according to His capacity. But sadly, we interpret His call over lives according to our perceived capacity. When He sends us, He sends us according to His blueprint, but sadly we develop our own blueprint to discourage ourselves. When He sends us, He equips us according to our willingness and how far we are ready to run with the vision He has given to us. His eyes are always on the lookout for men who will respond and be committed to His call and divine assignment (2 Chronicles 16:9) and if we slack, He will find other men to take our place in our dispensation or the next.

We sometimes make the mistake of adopting earthly prerequisites to give ourselves the confidence we need to carry out heavenly assignments Share on X

Where do we start?

If you are confused over the call of God on your life, there is one call you should not be confused about, it is the call to preach the gospel. This is the greatest assignment given to us. Every call and assignment from God has one end goal; that all men may turn to God and be saved. The gospel is not just any good news, it is the good news. We are meant to speak boldly and unashamedly of the good news because by so doing, we become instruments used to establish God’s kingdom on the earth. In a world full of turmoil, evil, and sorrow, the powerful message of the gospel can bring peace, hope, and joy. The message of the gospel transforms lives, no wonder the scripture says “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15). The feet of those who bring good news are beautiful not just because they share the good news but because the good news first transforms their lives, they become living proof of the good news. When the gospel transforms our lives, our testimony becomes the message of good news others need to see and hear. As we answer the call of God to share the gospel we find ourselves growing in our fellowship with Him and deepening our understanding of the finished work of Christ (Philemon 5-6). In other words, when we answer His call we are embracing spiritual growth. The call to preach the gospel is based on the finished work of Christ, every other aspect of this call is irrelevant if we do not talk about the finished work of Christ.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"- Isaiah 52:7

God has been calling, it’s time for us to answer. His call isn’t reserved for pastors or missionaries only, it is also for you and me. We can start where we are and with what we have. We have been called to be a light in this world but we have no light of our own, our light is the light of the Father in us. When men see this light, they will give glory to our Father (Matthew 5:15-16). We can answer His call through our work, career, business, hobbies, talents and gifts. Every dimension of God’s blessing we have been graced to experience in our lives today is a vehicle to advance His plan and establish His righteousness on the earth. Let us begin to open our hearts towards embracing His call. We can start by searching the scripture and asking what He would have us do. He sees the sincerity of your heart and will equip you for the task ahead if you are truly willing. It is never too late to embrace His call, and it is never too late to share the gospel. Start from where you are, start with what you have and start now.

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One Comment

  1. That was encouraging! – Sharing the Gospel is very important. May God help us in Jesus name! amen.

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