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The Gift of Faith – My Story

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.  To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. (1 Corinthians 12 : 7 – 11,NIV)

It was the early spring of 2014, I was studying in Dublin and the end of my final year of university was nigh. One day I came home to my secret place and began praying in the spirit. I didn’t know what I was praying for, but it was as though I was fighting. My fist was clenched, and my right arm moved intensely in a figure-eight shape. That’s when I saw in the spirit; I found myself in the middle of a cornfield. In my right hand, I held a huge, curved machete with which I was cutting and paving my way through the corn stovers! It wasn’t long before I could see what was hiding behind it; a cluster of high-rise office buildings. I also saw myself walking out of an underground station. I wore an edgy, classic straight hairstyle with bangs and an elegant black, white and grey checked coat. It was quite the upgrade compared to my go-to uni look consisting of sweaters, leggings and high-tops. These visions reminded me of promises and prophecies I had received over the years of the exploits I was going to do on my walk of faith (Daniel 11:32). Not knowing how I was going to accomplish things which were beyond me, I asked God in prayer for the faith of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9).

A pastor once told me, “You have the gift of faith” (1 Corinthians 12:9). I was puzzled and disagreed with him. He discerned (by the spirit) that I did have it, and he explained to me I didn’t know it because I had not yet had an opportunity to exercise it. This was soon going to change. I never intended to follow in Abraham’s footsteps. I just wanted to have the faith I needed to do the seemingly impossible things that I was called to do. However, God took my request quite literally.

 I did not know it yet, but I would be sent to a place I would love and have to ‘sacrifice’, like Abraham did. Besides, I would receive divine instructions to move to a place I did not know and had never even been to without knowing where I would stay. Just as it is written in the very verse that I used as a basis for my petition; 

By faith, Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8 NIV)

Months later, I found myself back home in the Netherlands, however, in a new home city, Amsterdam. I decided my new chapter in life required a new look, so at first, I got my hair permanently straightened. Still not satisfied with my new hairdo, I later mustered up the courage to cut my bangs. One day, I remembered my visions while I still lived in Dublin and realised that my new haircut and coat were identical to what I had seen in the visions. I also noticed that the building where I interned was part of the cluster of buildings I had seen through the corn field, and I recognised the underground metro stations!

I understood that these visions served as reference points for me to look back on and know that I had already received a glimpse of where I would end up after university since I had concerned myself about my next steps. I had paved my way through my worries and spiritual obstacles (the corn field) to my next season of life in prayer.

I never felt so comfortable in my life as I did in Amsterdam. Nevertheless, when my internship ended, a divine instruction I had received from a pastor after my graduation began to ring in the forefront of my mind; to pack my bags and move to one of the main cities in Scotland, UK. I had anticipated that I would probably eventually end up in the UK, in a place like London, due to the opportunities the city presents for my study area. Scotland, however, seemed like a very random place! After spending a year in Amsterdam, the doors to my chosen career field had remained closed, and I sensed that it was time for me to move on. I asked God in prayer for confirmation; that if He wanted me to move away, He should tell me directly because I wasn’t just going to move based on a word from one man (1 John 4:1). 

The very next day, I met a new girl in church and I happened to mention that I was considering moving to Scotland.  She responded that she had studied there and that she knew Edinburgh well. She told me more about the city, and without me asking her, she said, “You should go!” To put this in context, I had never met anyone who had lived or studied in Scotland before, let alone in Amsterdam. I also attended a very large church congregation, meaning I met new faces practically every Sunday. At first, I didn’t believe this was the confirmation I had requested. Still, later I sensed strongly that I had received a clear answer to my prayer. I like to call it God’s ‘Next Day Delivery’, of which I have received many!

I booked my flight by faith for the next month. Due to a lack of time and energy, I left my father’s house just like Abraham did, not knowing where exactly I would stay in Edinburgh. I found a room to rent three days after my arrival. Two weeks later, I was offered a job. Seven years later, the purpose for my exercise of faith was completed and so God called me back to the place I had left reluctantly in nearly the same manner. Once again, I booked a one-way flight by faith. This time, however, I had heard from Him directly, and He provided me with a place to stay and a job before I arrived. All it took was one phone call to a friend after I booked my ticket, and everything was set in motion. In both instances, He met me halfway when I stepped out in faith through divine connection, favour and grace.

I cannot deny God’s existence and the spiritual fine-tuning I have experienced since I accepted and confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. He took me by the hand when I cried out to Him to lead me on the right path at the tender age of eighteen. I had dropped out of school and found myself in the middle of a crossroads where no earthly wisdom or advice could give me the guidance I sought. Two months later, my life took a 180-degree turn; I became financially independent and ended up living alone in a foreign country (Ireland) for seven years. By His grace, I eventually graduated with a second-class honours degree.

He is the Alpha and the Omega. He knows what you need because He has seen your beginning and end (Job 23:10 NIV, Revelation 22:13 NIV). That is why, when you look to Him, He will show you things to come, and guide your steps as He did with me (John 16:13, NIV). If you let Him, He will answer your prayers in the most mind-boggling way. He will not fail you! The road that leads to destiny and eternity can be frustrating because it is straight and narrow for those who have chosen to follow the path of righteousness and faith (Matthew 7:14, NIV). Everything has got to go! Old mindsets, your ego and your idols. What then remains? Your spirit. God is Spirit, and one cannot compare spiritual things to human intellect. We must therefore tap into the frequency of God’s spirit – the mind of Christ – for us to comprehend His word and the experiences in our lives (1 Corinthians 2:10-16, NIV).

Like Abraham, I have pitched my tent here and there and dealt with frustration and unbelief. Other times, I lied and behaved out of character. Yet, my journey allowed me to develop endurance, spiritual insight and a level of maturity that is ever needed to grow; I am still learning to walk by faith and to trust and hope in a God that has seen me through devastation. I came out on the other side as though I never even lived through it, without a single scratch or trace. Through Him, I am an overcomer, not merely a survivor (Romans 8:37). In the words of Saint Paul, I have pressed toward the mark of the high calling by His grace (Philippians 3:14). I can testify that He has never failed me.

May you believe that God is who He says He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6, NIV). May you develop your full potential, may you walk in sweet fellowship with your Maker and know that all things are possible to him who believes (Mark 9:23, NIV).

Finally, I’d like to leave you with this food for thought regarding both the spiritual and natural gifts that you have been endowed with; “fan into flame, the gift of God which is in you…” (2 Timothy 1:6, NIV).

Photo credit: ©istockphoto/Kamonwan Wankaew

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  1. This was a beautiful article to read and has really encouraged me on my personal journey of discovering God and my destiny in God. Thank you for sharing your story!!

  2. This was a beautiful article to read and has really encouraged me on my personal journey of discovering God and my destiny in God. Thank you for sharing your story!!

    1. Hi Elisabeth,

      I’m so blessed and grateful to know that my story has encouraged you.
      Let us continue to lift one another up in the faith by sharing our testimonies.

      Remember that your steps are ordered by the Lord. He knows your end from your beginning and your beginning from your end. May you understand His good and perfect will for you in every season as you continue to seek him on your journey.


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