
The Measure of Authentic Faith

I have never come across anyone who says fake-ness or being fake is something they admire. On the contrary, we connect with authenticity and dislike deception even in our airbrushed, filtered, self-obsessed, self-absorbed, image-conscious culture. But what does it mean to be real? Think about this; if I were to ask a group of believers what it means to be a Christian, I’m sure I would receive a lot of different answers and might end up being confused if I do not understand Christianity. However, people might be able to tell if you are a Christian from your actions. Therefore, it is not enough to say you are a true believer; people should see it. This brings us to the next point, what should they see?

Are there marks of genuine faith we should see in our lives or the lives of others? And what about the watching world? What should they see in the lives of true believers? Perhaps the greatest threat to being authentic is one of our own making — an image problem. Are we more concerned about what culture thinks of us instead of being culture influencers? 

In a time where the lines between what is obtainable in the church and the world are blurry, and when there is an increasing lack of trust in Christian institutions, we must be authentic with our faith. We must make clear to the world and for ourselves what it means to be true believers and live a life of genuine Christianity. While some today may be confused about what it means to be a true believer, Jesus was not. Jesus was clear about his identity, and he gave us a blueprint on how to verify the authenticity of our faith. 

You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? – Matthew 7:20, NKJV

You know you are indeed a believer if you bear fruit, he tells us. Fruit is the biblical sign of authentic faith.

For a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For men do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush. Luke 6:43-44

So many times, we equate declaring faith to having faith. Instead, Jesus warns his disciples that only one thing matters — bearing fruit.

I think Jesus’ point is simple. Authenticity is something you can see. There is a visible difference between what is real and fake. It is not enough to say you are a true believer; you should be able to see that you are a believer. Being a believer or follower of Christ is more than attending a Sunday morning church service. It is more than feeling good about God or “accepting” Jesus as your saviour. It goes beyond being baptised, partaking in communion, reciting scripture or posting scripture on social media. As important as these things are, the mark of a true believer runs deeper. 

Real Christians are new creatures. Physically, they might not look different from others, but a transformation is taking place on the inside. Real Christians are radically changed — they’ve experienced the new birth, received a new heart, and have new desires.

If you are a true believer, it will reveal itself in your life. Real Christians bear the marks of authentic faith in ways that can be seen, heard and known. You can see the marks and the reality of Christ in their lives. 

How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word. Psalm 119:9, NLT

How in this world do you keep it real when everybody else is faking it? For instance, in a world where we pay lip service to virtues such as integrity and honesty, it is no surprise that we base our self-worth on our public or social media persona or “our brand”. Our touch screens have made us lose touch with what’s important, and many of us can’t stand for anything. You’ve got to stand for something!

We have to care more about God’s approval than the approval of other people or the public. The authenticity of our faith will be tested by what we stand for. When you care about what God thinks, you are going to live a life of righteousness. If you care more about what other people think, you’re often going to live a life of pleasing others and displeasing God; a life of sin. 

Living according to the word of God is a mark of authentic faith. Psalm 119:9 teaches us that the only way you’re going to know what God approves of and what He thinks of you is by reading the Bible. You must stay in God’s Word! Living a life of integrity requires the help of the Holy Spirit because what is right is often unpopular and doing right is often a lonely path. Living a righteous life by your strength will wear you out; you will get tired of being authentic in your faith and standing alone. The good news is that God’s word is enough for us and gives us victory over obstacles, intimidation and sin. 

Are you hungry enough to walk uprightly and become a true believer? Are you willing to be bold, rise, take a stand, take a leap, run or jump into the things of God? There will be evidence of good fruits in your life when you choose to; love, believe in God’s word, reach out to those in need, persevere and run the race marked for you. Your life will be a living witness for Christ when you desire to be a true believer. 

I will conclude with the words of God in Jeremiah 29:13-14,MSG; “When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.”

Are you ready to be real? Is your faith authentic?

Photo credit: ©istockphoto/ImagineGolf

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