What is in Your Hands
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What is in Your Hands?

Some years ago my father preached a sermon that stayed with me and indeed changed my outlook on many things about my life. This sermon was titled “What is in your hands”, and I recall my biggest takeaway from the sermon was that God has placed something in my hands for His purpose, His glory and for my life and destiny. In Exodus 3, God called Moses and outlined his plan for Him and the children of Israel who were held captive in Egypt. God sent Moses to the Israelites but Moses had doubts and questions for God. God answered his questions and allayed his fears but Moses had more questions. In Exodus 4:1-2(NIV), Moses said “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The LORD did not appear to you’?” God responded; “What is that in your hand?” and Moses replied, “A staff”. I find God’s response to “what if they don’t believe me?” interesting. Rather than give a similar response to what He said in the previous chapter, Exodus 3:13-14; “…This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you”, God draws Moses’ attention to what is in his hands. As if to say; “The answer to your question is with you” or “The proof that I have sent you is in your hands” or “I will use what you have to show and prove that I sent you”.

Moses used this staff to tend sheep, it was a staff he was familiar with but to God it was more than an ordinary staff. To God, this staff was an instrument Moses was going to use to fulfil his mission. This staff was going to be used to express the miraculous and free the Israelites from captivity. God was going to use what was within the possession of Moses to execute His plan. What is in your hands? Or what do you have?

Many of the blessings we have been graced to receive from God are not just for our own benefit but they are instruments for God’s purpose. We have to come to a point in our lives where we can pray and say “Father thank you for these gifts or skills, please reveal to me what you would have me do with them”. Nothing God has placed in your hands is useless and nothing is too small or insignificant for God to use. Who would have thought that all the years God trained and preserved Moses for this great mission, it is an ordinary-looking staff He would use as the first sign to show He is with Moses and to express His greatness to the enemies of Israel?

What God has placed in your hands can give you a clue into what He would have you do with your life . The staff of Moses was not just a symbol of his profession, it was also a symbol of his calling and influence. What is in your hands? Share on X

Throughout the scripture, we see God use little or ordinary things in the hands of people for His glory. For instance, Jesus used five loaves of bread and two fishes from the hands of a little boy to feed five thousand men (John 6:9).  God used stone from the hands of David to kill Goliath (1 Samuel 17:49), and a jawbone of a donkey in Samson’s hand to kill a thousand Philistines (Judges 15:15). What God has allowed into your hands can give you a clue into what He would have you do with your life. The staff was not just a symbol of Moses’ identity and profession. It was also a symbol of his calling and influence. Stop drowning in confusion and ask God to open your eyes to see what is in your hands and what is within your reach. Moses saw an ordinary shepherd staff, God saw a staff for miracles. Moses saw a staff used to look out for his sheep, God saw a staff He would use to look out for His Children. The young boy and the disciples saw five loaves and two fishes, Jesus saw twelve basket leftovers. What is in your hands? Or what do you have?

Can you trust God to work with what He has committed into your hands? Will you use or work with what God has committed into your hands? Some of us know exactly what God has committed into our hands, but we struggle to accept that He can use them irrespective of how small, unsophisticated, or insignificant they appear. We have to be willing and ready to take action or do something with what God has committed to our hands. Moses’ staff was a symbol of his identity and calling, therefore he had to do something with it. When he threw it to the ground, it became a snake (Exodus 4:3, Exodus 7:10). When he stretched it over Egypt, a great swarm of locusts invaded Egypt.  This staff was used to part the red sea (Exodus 14:15-22), it was used to bring out water from the rock for the children of Israel (Numbers 20:1-11) and it was raised by Moses until the Israelites won their battle against the Amalekites (Exodus 17:1-13). Little wonder Moses called it, “The Staff of God” (Exodus 17:9). As sons and daughters of God, everything we own and possess is of God and for God. What is in your hands? Or what do you have?

God is saying; “Mr. HR personnel: “What is in your hands? I can use your people management skill as an instrument to reach more lives”. “Madam health practitioner: “What is in your hands? With your medical qualification, you will be an instrument of healing to my people”. “Mr legal practitioner: “What is in your hands? I will use your knowledge to deliver the oppressed”. “Madam professor: “What is in your hands? I will use your oratory and teaching skills to minister to my sheep”. Mr politician: what is in your hands? I will use your access and network to build a habitable society for my sons and daughters”.

It is time to stop questioning God and doubting his instructions. It is time to do away with your lack of faith in God. It is time to quit minimizing and belittling the career, knowledge, gifts, talents, and blessings God has given to you. It is time to take action with what God has placed in your hands.  What is in your hands?

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